Attekus Resources

Streamline the customer experience

Consumer software like Facebook and Gmail has driven the demand for excellent customer experiences. Bookings for Council’s venues and facilities should be no different. Manual processing and double data entry delivers a poor customer experience for both Council staff and the customer. Increase utilisation and revenue by making the online process for making and managing bookings across all of Council’s bookable venues, facilities and items an excellent customer experience with Bookable.


Single platform for all bookings

Consolidate bookings for all of Council’s venues, facilities and bookable items onto a single platform. Customer have a single point of interaction with Council for all booking related processes, reducing errors and confusion and enhancing the customer experience.


Remove paper or online forms and manual data entry

No more paper or online forms resulting in manual data entry into back-office systems or Outlook calendars. Put the power for making bookings in the hands of the customer through a simple three (3) step process but within the controls and rules set by Council ensuring all bookings meet Council’s requirements.


Automate communications

Let Bookable take care of keeping your customers up-to-date with the progress of their booking. Bookable automates communications through email and SMS channels throughout the lifecycle of a booking.


Customer self-service

Allow your customers to manage and maintain all their bookings through online self service capability. From adding or updating dates, times or additional items to a booking, making payments or cancelling a future booking, Bookable’s online self-service allows Council’s customers to manage their bookings 24/7.


Customers demand an excellent customer experience, Bookable provides this through simple, online services for making and managing a booking allowing Council to easily review and process these bookings leaving time to value-add to the overall customer experience.

About Bookable

Streamline the customer experience

Remove paper and online forms, manual data entry, costly calls and emails by streamlining your online booking process with Bookable. Allow customers to search across all of Council’s venues and facilities, make, manage and pay for bookings, all with the control of Council.

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